

One very odd consideration popped into my head a long while regarding the characters in Gundam W.  If it hadn’t been for the idea to do the rest of this section, I think it would have been confined to one mailing list or another as an item of discussion but…

Look at the five boys and Zechs…

Now look at who they’re fighting against.

Is it just me or do the two groups form opposites of appearance?  Seriously.  The villains (not counting Trieze) and the bit parts look like they were designed by wholly different people.  Our heroes are aesthetically pleasing creatures, while the villains, well, aren’t.  Tsubaraov simply isn’t winning any beauty pageants.  The inspector seeking Wing while it is in Zechs’ possession reminds me of Baron Harkonan from Dune for several reasons.

The pilots look like characters from shojo magazines.

Perhaps Trieze was drawn in a more pleasing fashion to evoke sympathy?

Could Gundam W really be a subversive tale of beauty vanquishing the mundane? Could it be a piece of Nazi propaganda as a few other people have suggested?  It’s really however you see it.  But the differences of design are really quite intriguing.

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